'Abhandlung von der Fuge'
Restitution status: Dubiousness is still to be clarified
Categories: Books and other printed items / Books / Art and Culture
Object Data
Inventory Number
B 96915
'Nach den Grundsätzen und Exempeln der besten deutschen und ausländischen Meister' (after the principles and examples of the best German and foreign masters), made by Friedrich Wilhelm Marpurg. Seperate numbering, numerous examples of musical notation
Berlin : A. Haude and J.C. Spener, 1753 / 54
18th Century
Provenance Data
Former owner according to museum / collection
Entry in the inventory book (21.11.1940): Acquisition from 'Wolff' (antiquarian bookseller Wolf?), no further information
Acquisition from the art market/antique shop
Provenance according to museum / collection
F.G. Löffler: Possibly identifiable as Franziska Löffler, born 20 May 1895 (file Property Transactions Office)
Viennese Commission for Restitution
The questionable nature of the provenance of the art or cultural object is being or has been examined by the museum/the collection. So far, no art restitution proceedings have been instituted.
No recommendation has been issued yet.
City of Vienna, executive city councillor in charge (municipal authorities)
No decision has been reached so far.
The art or cultural object is kept in the museum/in the collection.
Request Object
© Art restitution National Fund of the Republic Austria for Victims of National Socialism