Masekhet Giṭin min Talmud Bavli

Restitution status: Heirs being sought

Categories: Books and other printed items / Books

Object Data




Inventory Number

Keine Inventarnummer, Fachbereichsbibliothek Judaistik: RABI-151


"Piotrkow: Shalom Shakhna, 1905. "


20th Century

Provenance Data



Means of acquisition not clear

Committee in charge

The Office of the Rector of the University of Vienna represented by the competent Rector/Vice Rector


The body in charge has decided to restore the art or cultural object to the owners or their legal successors.


The art or cultural object is kept in the museum/in the collection.


The whole title is: "Masekhet Giṭin min Talmud Bavli : 'im P(erush) Rash""i ṿe-tosafot, ṿe-tosafot yeshanim, u-masoret ha-sha""s, ṿe-'ayin mishpaṭ ner mitsṿah, ṿe-torah 'or, / ṿe-hagahot haga'on ha-mefursam […] Yeshayah Berlin zatsa""l ", translated: The Tractate Gittin (divorce) of the babylonian Talmud"; handwritten Hewbrew annotation "Zeev Krautstik mi-yalde [?] Zeborow Galizien ha-mitgorer [?] ka-´et be-Vien ha-birah" [roughly translated as: "Wolf Krautstück, born in Zeborow Galicia, currently living in the capital, Vienna"]

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